Dwayne & Francine Meisner's Family Tree
The Genealogy of Dwayne Meisner and Francine Williams
Nova Scotia Census Records - Lunenburg County - 17561756 Census - Lunenburg County - Also known as Victauling lists.
This information was available on Christopher Young's website - www.seawhy.com - but the site is now offline. Here is his introduction:
1756 Lunenburg Victualling List
Alphabetical List of Names
as published in "Historic Saga of Leheve (LaHave)" by Ruth E Kaulback
The majority of spellings are as in the published list, although some may be slightly different.
Where a family (e.g. SCHMIDT) appeared in multiple places throughout the list, a separate line is given for each family, and in the order in which they appeared.
The order within a family was typically father, mother, then children eldest to youngest. This order was retained during data entry, however during sorting, the order may have been altered.
The original text said 1372 names; there were about 1360 after names were entered here.