Census 1827 - Halifax County - Ecum Secum

Transcribed by Kim Stevens and Edited by Dwayne Meisner
Surname Name Males Females Male Servants Female Servants Total Occupation Religion Births Last 12 months Female Marriages Last 12 months Deaths Last 12 months
Pye Henry 5 3 1 0 09 Fisherman Presbyterian 0 0 1
Jewers George 1 4 0 0 05 Fisherman Presbyterian 0 1 0
Jewers Francis 2 2 1 0 06 Fisherman Presbyterian 1 0 0
Jewers Robert 2 1 1 1 05 Fisherman Prebyterian 0 0 0

Transcribed by Kim Stevens and Edited by Dwayne Meisner for www.dwaynemeisner.com