
Simply click the link of the person's record you wish to view. The record will appear in the viewing screen at the right.
You can then select and copy the information. Try clicking the copy button at the bottom of the record first. In some browsers, doing so will highlight and copy the text from the record. Some browsers will only highlight the text, and you will have to copy it yourself. If that doesn't work in your browser, click your mouse cursor at the beginning of what you want to select. Drag your mouse to select what you can see. Use the mouse wheel to continue scrolling to the bottom of the information. Copy the selected information. Then, click the Toggle Translator button and paste the information into the upper pane. Your translated results will be in the lower pane.

Type Date Names Town/Parish
Délibération  25/01/1786  TOURNU Antoine x BOUTEILLIER Clémence Lomont
Divorce  05/10/1897  PITOLET Abel x BOUTEILLIER Marie Lure
Divorce  25/06/1903  BOUTEILLER Henri x BRETEGNEIR Emilie Julie Frédéric Fontaine
Divorce  05/05/1920  BOUTEILLER Alfred Louis x EUVRARD Juliette Louise Etobon
Promesse de mariage  08/07/1888  BOUTEILLIER Denis Eugène x COTIN Marie Seveux